These first-person accounts are intended to help learners with their career decision-making process. The story-telling format presents a “true-to-life” description of what it is really like to be a trainee or practicing physician in various specialties by presenting the personal experience of a Resident Doctor or New-in-Practice Physician.
Disclaimer: These specialty profiles illustrate some aspects of the lives of individual residents/physicians, and convey their personal perspectives on the challenges, opportunities, and rewards of their chosen fields. These views may not be shared by all residents, as there is tremendous diversity in lifestyle, experience, and interest among the residents in each specialty.
Please note, RDoC will not provide contact details for any of the physicians who’s profiles are published on our website. Should you wish to get in contact with one of the physicians featured on our website please consult the applicable provincial College of Physicians and Surgeons to locate their current office contact information.