Last updated: October 20, 2022

The information below will direct you to policies regarding professional behaviour, harassment, and related support resources that are provided by the various medical faculties in Canada.

University of British Columbia

  • Mistreatment Help                                                                                                                                                                      The Faculties of Medicine and Dentistry are committed to creating a learning and work environment conducive to optimal education, research, and clinical care. Visit website.
  • The Office of Respectful Environments, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion                                                                      The Office of Respectful Environments, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion has been established to provide leadership across the Faculty of Medicine in the areas of professionalism, learner mistreatment, equity, diversity, and inclusion, anti-racism, and anti-discrimination.  Visit website.

University of Alberta

  • Discrimination, Harassment and Duty to Accommodate Policy  This policy is intended to foster and protect a respectful environment for work, study, and living that supports the dignity and equality of all members of the University of Alberta. Read the full policy.
  • Learner Advocacy & Wellness The Office of Advocacy & Wellness in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry looks after issues pertaining to the health and well-being of learners. Visit website.
  • The Office of Safe Disclosure and Human Rights (OSDHR) The Office of Safe Disclosure and Human Rights (OSDHR) is responsible for promoting positive human rights practices on campus through education and awareness. Visit website.

University of Calgary

  • Operating Standard on the Safe Learning Environment Policy  This policy outlines the PGME’s response process and resources to address incidents of harassment. Read the full policy.
  • Resident Safety Policy The purpose of this policy is to ensure a safe environment during residency training by clarifying the concepts of safety and outlining the roles and responsibilities of the University, Residency Training Programs and Residents. Read full policy.
  • Office of Professionalism, Equity and Inclusion The Office of Professionalism, Equity and Inclusion supports the Cumming School of Medicine in promoting a culture of respect and professionalism. Visit website.

University of Saskatchewan

  • PGME Discrimination and Harassment Guidelines Intimidation, discrimination and harassment are prohibited and will not be tolerated in PGME learning environments. Read the full policy.
  • University of Saskatchewan Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Policy This policy helps provide students and employees with a positive environment for working and learning that is free of discrimination and harassment, and which complies with the Saskatchewan Human Rights Code and with the Saskatchewan Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations.  Read the full policy.

University of Manitoba

  • Policy for Prevention of Learner Mistreatment This policy is designed to assure a safe, respectful and supportive learning environment in which all members are enabled and encouraged to excel. Read the full policy.
  • Respectful Work and Learning Environment The University does not condone behaviour that is likely to undermine the dignity, self-esteem or productivity of any of its members and prohibits any form of discrimination or harassment whether it occurs on University property or in conjunction with University-related activities. Read the full policy.
  • The Office of Professionalism                                                                                                                                                  The Office of Professionalism is available to all faculty and learners within the College of Medicine through a variety of proactive and reactive activities. Visit website.

Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM)

  • Postgraduate Education Intimidation, Harassment, Discrimination and Violence, Policy and Procedure This policy is designed to provide a learning atmosphere of inclusiveness, responsiveness, understanding and respect for the dignity and worth of every person in order to create the best possible environment for working, learning and research. This includes an environment that is free from intimidation, harassment, discrimination or violence. Read the full policy .
  • Discrimination and Harassment Policy This policy is designed to create a climate of inclusiveness, responsiveness, understanding and respect for the dignity and worth of every person in order to create the best possible environment for working, learning and research. Read the full policy.
  • Learner Safety at NOSM The information on this page provides contact information and links to resources that will assist learners regarding campus safety. Visit website.

Western University

  • Non-Discrimination/Harassment Policy The Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry adheres to policies related to discrimination and harassment developed at Western University.  Read the full policy.
  • Learner Equity & Wellness  The Learner Equity & Wellness Office works in partnership with Western University’s Equity & Human Rights Office as well as other related offices to address learner concerns about harassment and mistreatment. Visit website.

McMaster University

  • Trainee Well Being  This page provides resources, including both campus and community support, to postgraduate medical trainees at McMaster University. Visit website.

University of Toronto

Queen’s University

  • Resident Intimidation and Harassment Policy  This policy supports an environment in which residents in the training system will be able to address issues of intimidation and harassment openly. Read the full policy.
  • Resident Health and Wellness Residents are encouraged to approach their program director, faculty advisor, the Director of Resident Affairs, or the PGME Dean at the first sign of any difficulty so that we can help you access whatever assistance they feel might be helpful or make adjustments to their program to improve their situation. Visit website.

University of Ottawa

  • Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination The University is committed to maintaining a learning and work environment that promotes the understanding and respect for dignity of the person as part of the University community and one that is free from harassment and discrimination. Read the full policy.
  • Faculty of Medicine ProfessionalismThe Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ottawa aims to support and develop the leaders who improve the health of Canadians and communities worldwide. Visit website.
  • Reporting Form This reporting form can be used to report unprofessional conduct as well as to tell us about anyone who deserves accolades. Visit website.
  • Human Rights Office – Harassment and discrimination The Human Rights Office serves University of Ottawa students, support staff and faculty. It handles complaints of discrimination and harassment under the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Occupational Health and Safety Act, with full impartiality. Visit website.

Dalhousie University

  • Personal Harassment Policy for Medical Students and Residents This policy is a commitment to providing students and residents with a learning environment that is free of harassment. All students, residents, faculty and staff within the Faculty of Medicine share responsibility for establishing and maintaining a climate of respect and for taking appropriate steps to seek advice and/or address harassment when it occurs. Read the full policy

Memorial University

  • Respectful Learning Environment for Medical EducationThis policy outlines the expectations, guidelines, and processes that are intended to support individuals and sustain a respectful learning environment free from intimidation and harassment in Undergraduate Medical Education and Postgraduate Medical Education. Read the full policy.
  • Professionalism in Practice Module  In collaboration with the Office of Professional and Educational Development, an accredited Professionalism in Practice online learning module has been developed for clinical faculty and learners. Access module