Share your experience: MCCQE-II

Resident Doctors of Canada (RDoC) is seeking your feedback as a resident who was scheduled to write the MCCQE-II in Spring 2020 or Fall 2020 and had an exam delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

RDoC will be meeting with the Medical Council of Canada (MCC: the body that administers the MCCQE examinations) on a regular basis to bring forward resident concerns and experiences.

Your feedback is crucial to RDoC’s ability to communicate your experiences to the MCC and advocate for resident needs. Please respond by September 14, 2020.

We would appreciate your responses to the survey; none are mandatory, but the more information we receive, the better we can communicate the experiences of our members. No identifying information will be used in any of our advocacy work with the MCC. Experiences collected will only be used to speak in general about resident experiences.

Take our survey now: Click here.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Email us at: