RDoC Awards
The call for nominations for the 2024 RDoC Awards is now open, nominate someone today!
Through its Awards Program, RDoC honours individuals who have contributed to improving various elements of the lives of resident doctors in Canada. There are currently three awards bestowed annually in the following categories: (a) wellness, (b) medical education, and (c) service to resident doctors.
Past recipients have included resident doctors, program directors, postgraduate medical education (PGME) administrators, and organizations that support resident doctors. RDoC award recipients gain both national and local recognition for their efforts. Because of this, the RDoC Awards Program is perhaps one of the most continually successful projects that we undertake.
Click here to read an FAQ about the RDoC Awards.
Established in 2002, The RDoC Puddester Award for Resident Wellness is awarded annually to a student, resident, staff member, physician, program, or institution that has made a significant contribution to resident wellness.
Established in 2005, the RDoC Mikhael Award for Medical Education is awarded annually to those who have contributed to improving undergraduate and postgraduate medical education in Canada.
Established in 2009, the RDoC Ross Award for Service to Resident Doctors is awarded annually to acknowledge the important role that non-physicians play in residency.
Seven Canadians recognized for their contributions to improving the lives of resident doctors in Canada.
Four RDoC volunteers were announced as RDoC Outstanding Volunteers of the Year at the June 11, 2022 meeting of the Board of Directors.
Two RDoC volunteers were announced as RDoC Outstanding Volunteers of the Year at the virtual Annual General Meeting held on June 13, 2021.