Questions, data segments or analysis from the National Resident Survey may be shared externally upon request.

Data segments refer to aggregated analysis specific to a particular group that meet the minimum reporting threshold, e.g., analysis of responses by family medicine residents to a particular question.

Principles For Use

The data collected via the RDoC National Resident Survey and any associated in-house analysis is the intellectual property of Resident Doctors of Canada (RDoC). The primary use of this information is to further RDoC’s work on behalf of its members.

Individual responses will be grouped with those of other respondents for analysis purposes.

Individual responses will not be published.

Results for very small groups or specialties (n<10) will be appropriately combined with other responses for reporting purposes.

RDoC’s staff and volunteers will be provided with access to the final results as needed to allow for use of the membership data in their respective work.

Data collected in the National Resident Survey will be retained by RDoC for seven years after the distribution of a survey, to allow for longitudinal comparison with subsequent iterations and to allow for fulsome analysis that accounts for a full cohort of residents (PGY1-PGY7).

Submitting a Request

To submit a request, please complete our online form below. Please note that submission of this form does not guarantee that your data request will be fulfilled.

Please note that raw data sets (i.e., non-aggregated results) will never be shared.

Requests will be reviewed by RDoC staff and the National Resident Survey Team.

Approval to grant the request is contingent on the individual/organization agreeing to:

  • Use the information as requested (further use would require a separate request)
  • Attribution to RDoC [i.e., Resident Doctors of Canada 2020 National Resident Survey]
  • Follow-up demonstrating how the information was used

For more information, please contact:

Monitoring Misuse of Survey information

Suspected misuse of National Survey information should be reported to the National Resident Survey staff lead at

Proven misuse of the National Survey information by an external organization will result in the denial of any future requests for use.