Welcome to the beginning of your residency journey! Whether you’re a resident doctor for two years or seven years, residency will be one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of your life. Residency will test you, empower you, and humble you. As I approach the end of my residency journey, I am filled with immense hope and excitement for the next generation of physicians. I know the leap from medical student to resident doctor can feel daunting, but keep reminding yourself how far you’ve already come – you’ve got this! RDoC and your PHO will be here to support and advocate for you every step along the way!
To commemorate the beginning of your residency journey, RDoC is sending you a specially designed luggage tag that will be delivered by your PHO. We hope you wear these luggage tags proudly on backpacks and suitcases, so they can travel along with you through your residency and beyond!
On behalf of everyone at Resident Doctors of Canada, we wish you the very best as you embark on this amazing journey.
Take care,