And the 2022 RDoC Awards go to…

Five outstanding Canadians are being recognized for their contributions to improving the lives of resident doctors in Canada 

Resident Doctors of Canada (RDoC) is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2022 RDoC Awards:

RDoC Puddester Award for Resident Wellness:

  • Dr. Yasmim Nasirzadeh (resident category), University of Toronto
  • Dr. Elisabeth Doyon (staff category), University of Sherbrooke

RDoC Mikhael Award for Medical Education:

  • Dr. Hadal El-Hadi (resident category), University of British Columbia 
  • Dr. Aaron Prystupa (staff category), University of Saskatchewan 

RDoC Ross Award for Service to Residents:

  • Ms. Leah Chomyshen, University of Saskatchewan

Details about the recipients can be found here:

RDoC looks forward to celebrating recipients with a virtual reception in June 2023. Full information about this event will be available on the RDoC website shortly.

For further information:

Victoria Clarke, Director of Programs – Wellness and Communications