The Canadian Conference on Medical Education (CCME) is the premier medical education conference in Canada. It hosts the largest annual gathering of medical educators in the country. The 2015 conference was held in Vancouver on April 25-28, 2015 and featured a number of residents presenting or speaking at various sessions.
Here are the highlights:
- Dr. Steve Hawrylyshyn, Family Medicine Resident
- Irfan Kherani, fourth-year Medical Student
- Ming-Ka Chan, Associate Professor at the University of Manitoba
- Charles Litwin, second-year Medical Student
The panel described the changing role of the physician for practice in the future, outlined how training needs to adapt to address these changes, and suggested an approach to training young physicians for tomorrow’s challenges.
- Dr. Nureen Sumar, Vice-President, Resident Doctors of Canada
- Dr. Eric Peters, Vice-President, Academic Affairs Committee – Specialities, Fédération des médecins résidents du Québec
- Bryce Durafourt, President, Canadian Federation of Medical Students
- Charles Litwin, Vice-President, Fédération médicale étudiante du Québec
Speakers discussed how to detect signs of stress or burn out in the workplace and understanding the importance of early recognition and early intervention, described difficulties experienced by students, particularly those related to the match, and explored and proposed measures to facilitate return to full-time training after a pause for personal or health issues.
- Dr. Carol Herbert, University of Western Ontario
- Dr. Nick Busing, AFMC
- Dr. Kaif Pardhan, Resident Doctors of Canada Board Member
- Dr. Robin Clouston, Family Medicine Resident
- Dr. Pamela Eisener-Parche, Associate Executive Director and Director, Academic Family Medicine – CFPC
- Dr. Mark Walton, Assistant Dean, Post Graduate Medical Education at McMaster University
The workshop provided attendees with the opportunity to:
- understand the current organizational responsibilities within the Canadian system today;
- identify the challenges with the governance of the current Canadian PGME system;
- learn about international experiences and best practices for collaborative governance of PGME;
- learn about a proposed model for Canadian PGME; and
- test the model by means of a role play exercise.
- Dr. Tom McLaughlin, Resident Doctors of Canada, Learner Representative
- Dr. Geneviève Moineau, President and Chief Executive Officer of AFMC, ARM Committee Chair
- Dr. Gavin Stuart, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Vice Provost Health, University of British Columbia
- Dr. Maureen Topps, Associate Dean, Postgraduate Medical Education, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
- Dr. Melissa Forgie, Vice-Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education, University of Ottawa
- Bryce Durafourt, CFMS President 2014-2015
The speakers during this session focused on the following topics:
- Identify the principles of resident selection in order to identify the candidates best suited for the discipline
- Describe the resident match process in Canada (CaRMS)
- Address the specific and complex issues of unmatched medical graduates and breaches of interview schedule