This page contains information that will help you prepare for the upcoming 2020-2021 elections.
Nominations for President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Corporate Secretary/Board Chair and FARC Chair will be accepted by email beginning at 1400hrs EDT on June 13, 2020. Further details will be provided then.
Nominations close at 1900hrs EDT on June 13, 2020.
The elections take place at 1030hrs EDT on June 14, 2020.
A resource to the Board of Resident Doctors of Canada, in leading the whole Board in its thinking priorities establishment, agenda-setting; and in carrying out important representational and/or official work of the Board between meetings. The Executive is comprised of the President, Vice President, Past President, Board Chair/Corporate Secretary, and Treasurer. The President serves as Chair. The committee meets via teleconference or in-person quarterly in advance of Board meetings and additionally as required.
Executive Role Descriptions can be found here. PHO Presidents/Designates are not eligible to sit as an RDoC Executive member.
The Finance Audit & Risk Committee (FARC) acts as a primary resource to the RDoC Board, providing financial & legal oversight in collaboration with the Executive Director, Treasurer, contract finance professionals, and external auditor. FARC comprises the President, the Treasurer, and 3-4 other RDoC Board members, one of whom serves as Chair. The committee meets via teleconference or in person quarterly in advance of Board meetings and additionally as required.
FARC’s Terms of Reference can be found here.