2021-2022 Regional Board Elections
Resident Doctors of Canada (RDoC) is seeking candidates to fill the following regional positions on the 2021-2022 RDoC Board of Directors:
- Alberta: two (2)
- British Columbia: two (2)
- Saskatchewan: one (1)
- Manitoba: one (1)
- Ontario: three (3)
- Maritime Provinces: one (1)
- Newfoundland: one (1)
These candidates will serve on the Board alongside the RDoC Past President and the seven Provincial Housestaff Organization (PHO) Presidents to represent over 10,000 resident doctors across Canada.
Residents training at any level in any CFPC or Royal College specialty are eligible to serve as Board Members.
Every RDoC Board Member must become an RDoC Member in good standing within three months of their election by the RDoC membership. This includes medical students who have been matched to a residency program in one of the seven regions listed above and will begin residency within three months of their election.
Interested individuals should contact their PHO directly for details about the nominations process.
- Ability to represent the views of others
- Demonstrated ability to work as part of a team
- Governance skills or a demonstrated willingness to learn (previously served with other organizations as a Board Member or Executive Member, e.g., Secretary, Vice President, Treasurer, Committee Chair, etc.).
- Management skills (previous experience in policy, advocacy, medical education, professionalism, communications, wellbeing).
- Previous RDoC experience as a liaison representative or an RDoC Committee / Team / Working Group Member.
- Specific skills in finance, legal issues, strategic planning, human resources, leadership, IT.
The RDoC Board of Directors will usually meet quarterly. Please note that the dates and locations of the meetings may be subject to change.
Type of Meeting | Dates | Location |
RDoC Board of Directors Meetings &
Annual General Meeting Part 1* |
June 12-13, 2021 | Virtual meeting over Zoom |
RDoC Board of Directors Meeting | September 11-12, 2021 | Virtual meeting over Zoom |
RDoC Board of Directors Meeting &
Annual General Meeting Part 2** |
November 27-28, 2021 | Ottawa, Ontario (TBC) |
RDoC Board of Directors Meeting | March 5-6, 2022 | Ottawa, Ontario (TBC) |
RDoC Board of Directors Meetings &
Annual General Meeting Part 1*** |
June 11-12, 2022 | Hamilton, Ontario (TBC) |
* Election of the 2021-2022 Board of Directors
** Review and approval of audited financial statements
*** Election of the 2022-2023 Board of Directors
There may be additional Board Zoom meetings, Slack discussions, or emails distributed between the face-to-face meetings to address key issues in a timely fashion. Board Members are expected to attend all in-person and telecommunications-based Board meetings and to contribute to online discussions.
General Principles
- Governs on behalf of Resident Doctors of Canada, and its members: resident doctors of all specialties who train in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, the Maritimes, and Newfoundland and Labrador.
- A corporate body that speaks with one voice, through the Chair.
- Provides content expertise on being a resident.
- Focuses on objectives and outcomes of the organization rather than on operational means, relying on staff to be the process experts.
- Maintains communications and relationships directly with the RDoC community and its stakeholders through the Executive and through the Executive Director.
Strategic Planning
- Works with the Executive Director to create a multi-year Strategic Plan for implementation by the Association.
- Articulates and communicates the Vision, Mission, and Values of the Corporation, and defines the parameters within which the organization operates. Board Committees and Project Teams may be established to assist the Board in this work.
- Meets separately on a regular basis to conduct strategic planning and review Board processes/performance.
- Delegated by the Board, the Executive monitors the performance of the Executive Director who is accountable for the overall performance of RDoC. This includes regular clarification of ED goals and expectations, performance review, and performance measurement. This role does not reside with any individual Board member, or groups of Board members, other than the Executive.
- Delegates work to Committees and Teams, which are in turn accountable through their Chairs/Leads to the Board.
- Ensures enforcement and updating of By‐Laws, Policies, and guiding principles for the organization as appropriate.
- Authorizes expenditure of major capital items and day‐to‐day expenses beyond the signing authority limits of the ED and/or Treasurer.
- Regularly measures the Board’s own performance, as well as provides for the professional development of the Board and its members.
- Engages with the RDoC community and its stakeholders to form a vital and current link to community needs, issues, concerns, etc. This includes transparent communications and proactive relationship‐building with key partners in the community.
- Represents the decisions and policies of the organization.
General Principles
- Adhere to the principles and practices outlined in RDoC’s By-Laws, Code of Conduct, Policies, and Procedures as established by the Board.
- Act in good faith on behalf of all resident members of RDoC.
- Be collegial and respectful towards other directors.
- Be fully committed to decisions of the Board.
- Work positively, cooperatively and respectfully as a member of the leadership team with other Directors, the ED and RDoC staff.
- Cannot commit the organization (unless agreed upon in advance by the Board as a whole), and has no ability to direct its business, affairs or property.
Board Participation
- Attend meetings of the Board, Committees, and Teams to which they are appointed. No Board member should miss more than one Board meeting in a row. Absence from a Board meeting does not release a Board member from responsibility of the decision(s) made by the Board in their absence.
- Complete the necessary background reading and preparation for meetings, in order to serve effectively and participate appropriately in Board discussions.
- Participate openly and dynamically in Board discussions so that the Board is able to make the best, most informed decisions and choices.
- Be able to ask any question they believe they must ask in order to be informed and comfortable in coming to a decision and/or vote.
- Bring any matter they believe is important for the whole Board to address, to the Board as a whole, advising the Chair in advance.
- Contribute to Board decisions, with a goal of being a consensus‐building organization, then respect, support and be fully committed to the final decisions taken.
- Be financially literate, review all financial statements and reports, and insist on understanding them. Directors may rely upon and ask for information supplied to them by management and/or external auditors; however, they are expected to exert prudent care and judgment in these affairs.
- Request professional advice be provided to the Board when uncertain how to act or make a difficult decision.
Committee & Project Team involvement
- Serve on at least one Committee, be informed on the purpose and goals of the committee and participate actively in discussion and Committee work as appropriate. Information about RDoC’s Committees can be found here.
- Board members can serve on one of RDoC’s Teams. The work of the Project Teams are based on Areas of Focus determined by the Board and may vary from year to year.
- Maintain good relations with the RDoC community and its stakeholders while respecting confidentiality requirements of privileged information.
- Express the policies and decisions of the Board in public life and in interactions with members and other stakeholders (when one is representing or could reasonably be perceived to be representing RDoC).
- Be an ambassador for RDoC to its members. Board members are the face of RDoC, particularly at the local level.
Knowledge Acquisition
- Develop an understanding of national health care, the health care system (both nationally & provincially), and other matters requiring RDoC’s attention or that has the potential to impact its members.
- Keep informed of trends, issues and realities of the ever-changing health sector in which we operate.
Candidates nominated by their PHO will be contacted by RDoC and provided with detailed information about their RDoC responsibilities. The election of all RDoC Board Members will take place as part of the 2021 RDoC AGM. For more information about the RDoC Board or elections process, contact Beth Sneyd at bsneyd@residentdoctors.ca.